Local Incentives & Enterprise Zones

Download State & Local Enterprise Zone Incentives PDF


Industrial Real Estate Discount

  • 50% discount off the listed price of land owned by the Mecklenburg County IDA, South Hill IDA ,or Clarksville EDA.
  • Requires a minimum $2M private investment and the creation of a minimum of 25 new FT jobs as defined by the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Machinery & Tools Grant

  • A grant payment based on the machinery & tools tax paid by the new or expanding industry.
  • This grant is based on the first $5,000,000 of assessed tax value, and paid according to the following schedule beginning with the first tax invoice paid by the industry: Year 1 = 100%, Year 2 = 75%, Year 3 = 50% and Year 4 = 25%.
  • Required to create a minimum of 25 new FT jobs created as defined by the Commonwealth of Virginia within the first 24 months of issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.
  • If company takes this incentive they are ineligible to receive the Industrial Jobs Grant.

Industrial Jobs Grant

  • One-time payment of $400 for each new FT job created by a new or expanding industry, not to exceed $20,000.
  • The payment will be made after the IDA is satisfied that the FT jobs have been created.
  • Industry must create a minimum of 15 new FT jobs up to 50 new FT jobs.
  • Not eligible if using the Machinery & Tools Grant.

Waiver of Building Permit Fees

  • For new and expanding industries.
  • Requires business to create a minimum of 10 FT jobs as defined by the Commonwealth of Virginia within 24 months of Certificate of Occupancy.

Business Personal Property Grant

  • Grant payment will be paid to a new business for 3 years after they have paid their Business Personal Property tax bill to the County at the current rate per $100.
  • The County will then calculate the rate to be the same as the Machinery & Tools rate and grant the client the difference.
  • Business must have a minimum project total investment of $5M and create 20 new FT jobs.
  • If industry uses this incentive they are ineligible for the Industrial Jobs Grant and cannot also use the M & T Grant or the Merchant’s Capital Grant.

Merchants Capital Grant

  • Grant payment will be paid on a sliding scale to the new business for four years after they have paid their first Merchant’s Capital tax invoice. Year 1 = 100%, Year 2 = 75%, Year 3 = 50% and Year 4 = 25%.
  • Must have total investment of $5M and create 20 new FT jobs.
  • If this grant is used then business is ineligible for M & T Grant, Business Personal Property Grant.


Low tax rates

  • Real estate taxes in Mecklenburg County are among the lowest in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Technology or Industry Inducements

  • Threshold 5 jobs.
  • Technology NAICS Codes 517-518 Information: Inducement 50% of Personal Property Tax.
  • Industry NAICS Codes 31 – 33 Manufacturing, 493 Warehousing: Inducement 100% of Machinery & Tools Tax

Employment Inducements

  • One-time payment of $400 per new job created to new or expanding industry, 5 jobs mininum.
  • Total limit $20,000.
  • Industry NAICS Codes covered are 31-33 Manufacturing, 493 Warehousing and 517-518 Technology Information.