Commuting Patterns
Labor Market Data
Commuting Patterns
Live and work in Mecklenburg County: |
5,357 |
Total In-Commuters: |
5,774 |
Total Out-Commuters: |
7,354 |
Net In-Commuters:
(In-Commuters minus Out-Commuters) |
-1,580 |
In-Commuters From:
Brunswick County, VA |
735 |
Lunenburg County, VA |
583 |
Halifax County, VA |
474 |
Charlotte County, VA |
326 |
Buckingham County, VA |
167 |
Chesterfield County, VA |
167 |
Prince Edward County, VA |
145 |
Granville County, NC |
138 |
Warren County, NC |
130 |
Vance County, NC |
112 |
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, OnTheMap Application and LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, 2014
Out-Commuters To:
Brunswick County, VA |
584 |
Halifax County, VA |
554 |
Henrico County, VA |
436 |
Chesterfield County, VA |
392 |
Richmond City, VA |
382 |
Newport News City, VA |
288 |
Granville County, NC |
224 |
Chesapeake City, VA |
217 |
Lunenburg County, VA |
212 |
Charlotte County, VA |
190 |
Commute Time
Worked from home: |
513 |
4.1% |
Under 15 minutes: |
3,946 |
32.9% |
15-24 minutes: |
2,999 |
25.0% |
25-34 minutes: |
2,459 |
20.5% |
35-44 minutes: |
756 |
6.3% |
45-59 minutes |
816 |
6.8% |
Over 60 minutes |
1,019 |
8.5% |
Mean Travel Time to Work: 25 minutes
Additional Labor Resources
High School Graduates Not Continuing): |
86 |
Two-Year College Graduates: |
1,111 |
Two-Year College Enrollees: |
3,980 |
Total: |
5,177 |